Case Study: Enova CashNetUSA App

30 May 2019


Enova develops innovative financial technology products and services for individuals and businesses.


Pronlems / Challenges

Enova needed help developing their CashNetUSA app for Android and iOS as well as developing a set of mobile APIs.


Sphere sent a Senior iOS developer, Senior Android Developer, and Project Manager to create the application and develop the API’s.



The CashNetUSA app allows users to apply for a new loan or line of credit, make payments, and track the status of their loans. Sphere’s design includes intuitive navigation, status updates through in-app push notifications, a digital calendar, FAQ section, and secure message center. The app also allows Enova to analyze user actions through Adobe Analytics.

This team completed the project ahead of schedule and under budget.

As Enova continues to grow, Sphere consultants are providing application support and transferring legacy code to new team members.



  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • JSON
  • Calabash
  • Push IO
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Android SDK 10-27
  • Java 8
  • Gradle
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Push IO
  • Fingerprint API
  • Kissmetrics



  • Mobile Development
    • iOS
    • Android
  • API Development