A quick reminder about producing text messages in Ruby.
Talk to the world
The basic method for text output is puts
from IO
puts "Hello World" # Hello World
With interpolation it’s possible to insert some expression in a string:
age = 2016-1990 puts "I'm #{age} years old" # I'm 26 years old
For global, class and instance variables one can omit braces:
class Person attr_accessor :name def hello @@times = 48 puts "Hello from #@name, #@@times times in #$0" end end joe = Person.new joe.name = "Joe" joe.hello # Hello from Joe, 48 times in irb
Strings can be concatenated via +
or concat
puts "Hello " + "World" # Hello World
But we can’t do the same with other types:
age = 2016 - 1990 puts "I'm " + age + " years old" # TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
String’s +
uses implicit type conversion using argument’s to_str
method. So we can do the following patching and use numbers in concatenation:
class Fixnum def to_str self.to_s end end age = 2016 - 1990 puts "I'm " + age + " years old" # I'm 26 years old
So if one wants to use a custom class in similar expressions, to_str
method needs to be added to the class.
Structured Talks
In a number of methods ruby follows some formatting conventions. printf
prints the string to the output stream using format string, sprintf
(aliased as format
) puts the result of formatting in a returned string. string#%
uses the same format string.
The format sequence used there allows developer to control numbers appearence (precision, numeral system) and alignment. It has the following syntax:
defines the general output behavior for an argument (string, number or #inspect
), flags
regulate the options and width~/~precision
set the corresponding appearns options. for the detailed description parameters see Kernel#sprintf
documentation. Format string content which is not a format sequence is put as is.
printf "Hello World" # Hello World printf "Year %d", 2016 # Year 2016
Let’s print some aligned numbers. %10.2f
stands for 10 position output, 2 digits after dot, right aligned (default):
printf "Expences:\nJan/02:%10.2f;\nJan/04:%10.2f;", 1234.50, 354.10 # Expences: # Jan/02: 1234.50; # Jan/04: 354.10;
Do the same but left aligned (-
flag) and treat numbers as integers:
printf "Expences:\nJan/02:%-10d;\nJan/04:%-10d;", 1234.50, 354.10 # Expences: # Jan/02:1234 ; # Jan/04:354 ;
method uses the same format sequence. Applying more than one argument to a format string requires an Array
. Hash
can be used for named parameters:
"Jan/02:%010d" % 1234 # Jan/02:0000001234 ">%7s: %8.2f" % ["Jan/8", 3425.2399] # > Jan/8: 3425.24 "Hello %{name}" % { name: 'World' } # Hello World
Delivering large messages
Large text also known as heredoc can be created the following way. Any identifier (instead of HEREDOC
below) might be used:
large_message = <<HEREDOC I have something to say. ... But that is quite a long story. HEREDOC
Interpolation is allowed, but if you want to disable it put the heredoc identifier in a single quote:
large_message = <<'HEREDOC' I have something to say. #{3+3} HEREDOC puts large_message # I have something to say. #{3+3}