Code Audit

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Code with Sphere’s Comprehensive Code Audit Services

Sphere Partners

Expert Analysis and Actionable Insights to Elevate Your Software Development

In the realm of software, the intricacies of your code can significantly impact your business’s trajectory. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of a new acquisition, ensuring your technology aligns with your strategic goals, or validating the health of your codebase, Sphere’s Code Audit services are designed to provide clarity and confidence.

Made for CTOs, business owners, and investors, our code audit delves deep; offering a clear lens into the state of your software, its strengths, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement.

Sphere Partners Improved Code Quality and Security
Sphere Partners Ensure Compliance With Industry Standards
Sphere Partners Enable Upward Scalability of Codebase

What Gets Analyzed During a Code Audit?

During a code audit, various elements of the codebase are analyzed to ensure quality, efficiency, and security. By thoroughly analyzing these elements, a code audit can provide comprehensive insights into the state of a codebase, leading to improvements in various aspects of software development and maintenance.

Code Quality

Code Quality and Complexity

This includes readability, consistency in coding style, and adherence to best practices and coding standards. High-quality code is easier to maintain, understand, and modify. Simplifying complex code can also improve maintainability and reduce the likelihood of bugs.

Performance and Security

Performance Efficiency and Security

This involves identifying bottlenecks or inefficient code that could slow down the system. Optimizing these areas can significantly improve the overall performance of the software. Additionally, identifying for includes checking for common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and others will further improve performance.


Compliance With Coding Standards

Ensuring that the code adheres to industry-specific regulations and general coding standards is crucial, especially in regulated industries like finance or healthcare. Analyzing the external libraries or dependencies used in the project to ensure they are up-to-date, secure, and appropriately licensed.

Our Code Audit Services

Conducting a code audit offers several significant benefits, particularly for businesses and development teams aiming to maintain high standards in their software products.


High-Level Audit

The High-Level Audit is designed for organizations that need a swift, yet insightful look into their codebase. It’s the perfect solution when time is of the essence, but you still want to ensure that your software is on the right track.

  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Deliverables: Summary Scorecard
  • Benefits:
    • Quick Insight: Get a rapid overview of where your code stands in terms of quality, maintainability, and potential risks
    • Identify Key Areas: Understand the primary strengths and weaknesses, be it in the people, the process, or the technology
    • Decision Making: Ideal for those on the verge of an acquisition, investment, or any scenario where a quick yet informed decision is crucial


Deep Dive Audit

The Deep Dive Audit is a comprehensive examination of your codebase, processes, and team. It’s for organizations that recognize the value of a thorough analysis and are committed to achieving excellence in their software development.

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Deliverables: Detailed Report and Consultation
  • Benefits:
    • Holistic Analysis: Beyond just the code, we assess the processes and the team behind it, ensuring a 360-degree view
    • Actionable Recommendations: Each identified deficiency comes with a clear recommendation, providing a roadmap for improvement
    • Deep Understanding: Dive into the intricacies of your software, uncovering hidden issues, potential bottlenecks, and areas of optimization


Customized Audit

The Customized Audit is our most flexible offering, tailored to fit the unique needs and concerns of your organization. It’s for those who have specific areas they want to focus on, ensuring that the audit is as relevant and valuable as possible.

  • Duration: 4 Weeks+
  • Deliverables: Custom Report and Consultation
  • Benefits:
    • Tailored Approach: We work closely with you to define the scope, ensuring that we focus on what matters most to you
    • Adaptable Duration: Depending on the areas of focus, the duration can be adjusted to ensure a thorough analysis
    • Specific Insights: By honing in on particular areas, you get insights that are highly relevant, allowing for targeted improvements

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By The Numbers: World-Class Software Development Consulting

We understand that choosing the right software development company can be a challenge. With over 15 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients, we have the market-proven experience and software solutions to fit your needs. See some of the success stories for and check out our client testimonials.

Years of Experience
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0* Review Score
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Client retention rate
Sphere Partners
Completed Projects for Startups
Sphere Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Code Audit services are tailored for CTOs seeking an unbiased review, business owners considering an acquisition, and investors evaluating the technical health of a potential investment.

Yes, each Deep Dive and Customized Audit includes a post-audit consultation with the assessment team lead, where you can ask specific questions and gain further insights into the findings.

Our rich background in software development allows us to approach audits with a software design and development mindset. We don’t just identify issues; we understand the underlying causes, the potential impact on business goals, and the best paths to resolution.

Technology is ever-evolving, and so is our audit methodology. We continuously update our processes to account for new technologies, methodologies, and industry best practices, ensuring that our audits remain relevant and forward-looking.

We begin every audit by understanding your company’s strategic goals and the solution’s past and present state. This foundational knowledge ensures that our recommendations not only address technical concerns but also align with your broader business objectives.

Absolutely. Our audit process evaluates the codebase’s readiness to handle growth, identifying potential bottlenecks and suggesting architectural improvements to ensure scalability.

Legacy systems present unique challenges. Our team is experienced in assessing older technologies, understanding their intricacies, and providing recommendations that balance modernization with business continuity.

Trust is paramount. We employ strict protocols and confidentiality agreements to safeguard your intellectual property and proprietary processes throughout the audit.

Beyond identifying technical issues, our audit provides insights into team structure, processes, and methodologies. Our recommendations often include best practices and strategies to instill a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

To get started, simply contact us via the form above. We’re here to guide you through every step of the process.

Why Choose Sphere for Your Code Audit?

Sphere is backed by more than 18 years of senior engineering talent. We have produced development solutions in use by some of the world’s leading companies—one line of code at a time.

  • Extensive Software Development History: Leverage our years of experience in software development.
  • Alignment with Business Goals: We assess how well your technology aligns with your business objectives.
  • Expertise You Can Trust: Our top-notch experts are not just auditors; they are seasoned developers.
  • Quality Deliverables: Our reputation for excellence ensures you receive actionable insights and practical recommendations.
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